Emily Judkins
Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA
kneel into the knell shaped out of salable
solipsism, the mimicry bells emerging with ersatz
emergency melted into tolls in tombs and tolls,
tolling up the toiling sounds of telling peace
but piercing ears, all cracked crooked cosmetology of cosmogony of
spreading all the sound that fit into the
dark sun of preeminence, of how little permanence
can permeate in this permissiveness of light, how
permissible missed notes can be when Your body
is the universe and You swing between untenable winds
touched by never being and holding all this Tenderness as
You let it all ring out, ringing around the roses as
wilting waits for the embodiment of all of You to shutter out of
opuses and into the final forgiveness, the dipping moonlight,
Your graceless hand grinning as You paint over the shadows
with the Earth’s own speckled star, where all that is left to teach
is “this is how you return your legs to bend without warship.
and this is how you
return to the stars. and this is how you return home,” before pealing back into laughter back into the
universe, where
death cannot be disgraced in church bells any longer, but instead
kneels in the tintinnabulation of Your tinny fairies, these tiny
Thanatoses carrying you off into the wind, as all the people emerge
running out dreams to rub out of their eyes as they’re gulping in
Your air without care, miming out their time, and this is how i
make my faith, how i piece my daybreak back together, how i
know You are already everywhere, not making a scene but
becoming it.