Aanchal Khanna
Smith College
Where are you, O my lover, O my depth
Oh love,
The infinite sky in our belly,
The deep violet ocean in our eyes,
The orange softness in our touch, where…
The touch that is sensual - that melts, that communicates, that walks us back to our
The love that walks us back to our silence - is the only love ?
love that makes us our own friends - love that makes us forgive - not the other first - but first
Love that has the power to melt us in ourselves,
love that meditates and meditation that loves.
My depths rise upwards
my eyes talk not to you - but to someone else in You,
my heart talks not to you - but to that heart which only knows wanderings,
That heart which is in you..
that body which I know, is not you,
I long to whisper the secrets of my soul to your soul
Oh I long to be in you
Oh I long to not just have our bodies make love
I long
I long
I long
For all to make love
I long
for our eyes to make love
I long for our hands to dissolve in love
I long for our feet swirling in the sky
Dancing on the stars
Playing hide and seek
Like children in the sky
I long
where are you
I wait
For you
To arrive
At our Master’s feet
Then I wait
to arrive at Love’s feet
Perhaps this is pain,
You have your time,
I wish
to keep whispering
keep whispering
Someday, one day, any day,
you feel ready
we’ll rise in love
Oh love, just rise
Till then
will keep